Real diccionario de la lengua espanola online
Real diccionario de la lengua espanola online


Sample entries, with explanation of annotations and abbreviations, are available from the RAE Web site.


The 23rd edition of 2014 was made available online with free access, incorporating modifications to be included in the twenty-fourth print edition. The 2001, twenty-second edition was published on paper, CD-ROM, and on the Internet with free access. Until the twenty-first edition, the DLE was published exclusively on paper. List of academics, as printed in the 1780 edition Editions of the Diccionario de la lengua española Edition Some editions, including the 1726–1739 Diccionario de autoridades, are available in facsimile, or for online search. The editions are listed on the RAE Web site, and the forewords of former editions can be accessed from there. This process continued between 17, but, since the 1992 edition, RAE committees, the Instituto de Lexicografía, and the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language-which specifically deals with American vocabulary-collaborate in producing the Dictionary of the Spanish Language. Historically, the decision to add, modify, or delete words from the dictionary has been made by the RAE, in consultation with other language authorities (especially in Latin America) when there was an uncertainty. The earliest editions had "x" entries that no longer appear individually. The earliest editions were more extensive: they included Latin translations of the entry, in some cases gave usage examples (especially in popular phrases), and summarized the word's etymology contemporary editions do so concisely. In 1994, it was decided at the 10th Congress of the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language to use the universal Latin alphabet, which does not include "ch" and "ll" as single letters. Also in 1803, the letter "x" was replaced with "j" when it had the same pronunciation as "j", and the circumflex accent (^) was eliminated. Entries starting with "ch" were placed after all the "c" entries (so czarda appeared before chacal), and "ll" entries after "l". The fourth edition of the dictionary (1803) introduced the digraphs " ch" ( che) and " ll" ( elle) to the Spanish alphabet as separate, discrete letters. By the time the second edition was published, it had become the principal dictionary, superseding its ancestor. According to its prologue, the dictionary was published for general public access during the long time between the publishing of the first and second editions of the exhaustive Diccionario de Autoridades, thus offering a cheaper reference book.


Based on that work, an abridged version was published in 1780, the full title of which was Diccionario de la lengua castellana compuesto por la Real Academia Española, reducido á un tomo para su más fácil uso ( Dictionary of the Castilian tongue composed by the Royal Spanish Academy, reduced to one volume for its easier use). The first dictionary was the six-volume Diccionario de Autoridades ( Dictionary of Authorities) from 1726 to 1739. See the section Criticism below for examples. However, after refusing to change some definitions, they were ultimately changed. : 126–127 ĭespite this policy, in the 21st century the Academy has responded to criticism about definitions considered to be derogatory or racist such as trapacero ("swindler") for gitano ("gypsy") by saying that the Dictionary tries to reflect actual usage, and that nothing is changed by removing the definition from the dictionary, education must be used to eradicate inappropriate usages. In 1995 it was still expected to "establish and spread the criteria of propriety and correctness". The RAE's original motto of limpia, fija y da esplendor (clean, stabilise, and give splendour ) was in more recent times modified to unifica, limpia y fija (unify, clean, and stabilise). It will be used to distinguish foreign words, phrases and constructions from our own, the outdated from the current, the low and rustic from the courtly and elevated, burlesque from seriousness, and, finally, the accurate from the inaccurate. carelessness, and the excessive freedom to innovate. Its first statutes said in 1715 that the Academy's purpose was to: : 125Ĭultivate and stabilise the purity and elegance of the Castilian Spanish language, removing all the errors in words, modes of speech, and syntax that have ben introduced by ignorance, vain affectation. When the RAE was founded in 1713, one of its primary objectives was to compile an authoritative Castilian Spanish dictionary.

Real diccionario de la lengua espanola online