Soothing cream for a sore bum from diarrhea
Soothing cream for a sore bum from diarrhea

▶ hacer de (Teat) to play the part of hacer de malo to play the villain ▶ hacer por (=intentar) haz por verlo si puedes try to get around to seeing him if you can Asterisks are used to indicate the usage register of a particular word or sense as follows: (*) = informal register (**) = slang or very informal (***) = offensive abuelo, -a sm/f 1 (=pariente) grandfather/grandmother mis abuelos my grandparents MODISMO ¡cuéntaselo a tu abuela!* who are you trying to kid?*, pull the other one! (Brit*) MODISMO no necesitar Set structures and expressions are preceded by a ▶ symbol: hacer /2r/. A change in part of speech is indicated by a ■ symbol: agente ■ smf (=representante) agent (=policía) policeman/policewoman agente comercial business agent agente de bolsa stockbroker agente de seguros insurance agent agente de tránsito (Arg, Méx) traffic policeman/policewoman agente literario literary agent agente secreto secret agent agentes sociales social partners (employers and unions) ■ sm (Quím) agent Cross-references to verb conjugation tables occur at the beginning of a verb entry, set off by slashes / /. Examples and phrases are displayed in bold and grey type, or in bold and blue on colour screens. Structure of Spanish entries Headwords and compound nouns are displayed in bold. Sin embargo, no debe considerarse que la presencia o ausencia de esta designación tenga que ver con la situación legal de ninguna marca. Marcas registradas Las marcas que creemos que constituyen marcas registradas las denominamos como tales. However, neither the presence nor the absence of such designation should be regarded as affecting the legal status of any trademark. Note on Trademarks Words which we have reason to believe constitute registered trademarks have been designated as such. Extensive spoken data has been provided by radio and television broadcasting companies research workers at many universities and other institutions and numerous individual contributors. The written sources include many national and regional newspapers in Britain and overseas magazine and periodical publishers and book publishers in Britain, the United States and Australia. Series Editor/Directora de publicaciones Catherine Love Project Management/Dirección editorial Susie Beattie Editorial Coordination/Coordinación editorial Val McNulty Contributors/Colaboradores Emma Aeppli, Teresa Álvarez García, Diarmuid Bradley, Gerard Breslin, Jeremy Butterfield, Harry Campbell, Fernando León Solís, Cordelia Lilly, Joyce Littlejohn, Julie Muleba, Helen Newstead, Victoria Ordóñez Diví, José María Ruiz Vaca, Alison Sadler, Carol Styles Carvajal, José Martín Galera Technical Support/Soporte técnico Thomas Callan Corpus Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge the assistance of the many hundreds of individuals and companies who have kindly given permission for copyright material to be used in the Bank of English. HarperCollins Publishers Ltd no se hace cargo ni acepta responsibilidad en relación a los contenidos de sitios web de terceros, ni se hace partícipe de ningún sitio web de terceros de forma alguna. HarperCollins Publishers Ltd is not responsible for, and has no liability in relation to, the content of any thirdparty sites, nor does it endorse any third-party site in any way.Įste libro puede contener direcciones de sitios web de terceros no relacionados con HarperCollins Publishers Ltd. This book may contain website addresses to third-party sites unconnected with HarperCollins Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved/Reservados todos los derechos. Collins would also like to thank Times Newspapers Ltd for providing valuable data. HarperCollins Spanish College Dictionary 7th edition 2009 (vol 2 Spanish-English) Intangible Press Philadelphia, USA eBook edition © 2011 Intangible Press, LLC 2nd version HarperCollins Publishers Westerhill Road Bishopbriggs Glasgow G64 2QT Great Britain © HarperCollins Publishers 1993, 1998, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009 Spanish and English lemmatized lists © HarperCollins Publishers 2005 Collins® and Bank of English® are registered trademarks of HarperCollins Publishers Limited Acknowledgements Collins would like to thank those authors and publishers who kindly gave permission for copyright material to be used in the Collins Word Web. → Copyright → Structure of Spanish entries → Spanish pronunciation → Abbreviations / Abreviaturas → Verb tables HarperCollins Spanish College Dictionary 7th edition 2009 Volume 2 Spanish-English

Soothing cream for a sore bum from diarrhea